Creative Blast into 3D Games - 3D Graphics Hot Links

*Autodesk Home page
From 3D studio to AutoCad, the most popular 3D modeling programs are developed by Autodesk.

CaligariCaligari Home Page
Developers of the TrueSpace 3D applications.

Criterion SoftwareCriterion Software Home Page
Criterion software, developers of the RenderWare 3D API used by many popular gaming companies. One of the 3D APIs supported by the 3D Blaster

Inter VistaInter Vista Home Page
Inter Vista's World View is the first VRML application that supports the 3D Blaster.

D3DDirect 3D Home Page
Find out about Microsoft® Direct 3D and the software developers that support this standard

Intel3DR Home Page
Intel's 3DR is the leading 3D API used by many applications, including Caligari's True Space applications. One of the 3D APIs supported by the 3D Blaster

Argonaut Software Home page

Argonaut's BRender has been used in many popular games like FX Fighter and Alien Odyssey. One of the 3D APIs supported by the 3D Blaster

Dimension 3DWelcome to Dimension 3D
The 'All I wanted to know about 3D accelerators' web site. Containing detailed information about software supported by various 3D cards as well as features of these 3D cards.

Creative Zone Blast Into 3D Games Copyright ©1995, 1996 Creative Labs, Inc.