Creative Desktop Video Conferencing


by Ronnie Toon
Scenario 1
David has just received a fax from his associate, Miko, in Japan, updating him on the proposed product design. But the fax is not clear. David cannot figure out the specifications, the colors or the design of the prototype. Exasperated, David tells Miko, "Miko, you've to courier a prototype of the product to me or I'll have to go to Japan just to see the prototype." How David wished he could see the prototype immediately.
Scenario 2
John is a Training Manager. His job includes traveling overseas and training his distributors' support staff. John finds that he spends a lot unnecessary time traveling. Each time he is away, his paper work in the office piles up. How he wished he could train his distributors without leaving his office.
To some of you, the scenarios that both John and David have gone through sound familiar. What they, or you, need is a Desktop Video Conferencing System!

What is Desktop Video Conferencing?

A Desktop Video Conferencing system combines the functions of a phone, fax and modem plus video and interactivity on a computer or a PC. With a Video Conferencing System, you can see, interact and communicate with anyone in any part of the world; fax a document, share and transfer files to a remote party over a phone line or ISDN line. Here, we will discuss the potential of a Video Conferencing system that uses a regular telephone line such as ShareVision PC3000.

ShareVision PC3000

The introduction of Creative Technology's SHAREVISION PC3000 adds another dimension of telecommunication technology to multimedia interaction. ShareVision PC3000 enables you to globe-trot without leaving your office or home. It allows you to establish business contacts and communicate with your clients or suppliers. It is a platform that compresses time and space, making the global village a reality.

What Could Have Been?

Back to the first scenario - if Video Conferencing (VC for short) is available, David can see the product's design and colors immediately. No more black and white faxes, and unnecessary time spent waiting for a prototype to arrive. VC can help to speed up the approval and production process.

In the second scenario, John does not have to waste time traveling if he has access to a VC system. All he has to do is to give his distributors a call via his PC equipped with a VC system, and train and share his ideas with the participants.

How Does It Work?

Using the first scenario as an example, both David and Miko must each have a ShareVision PC3000 system installed in their PCs. Say, if David wants to view the prototype, he calls Miko simply by dialing the ShareVision's dialer which acts like a normal analog phone.

At the same time, the screen will display the REMOTE WINDOW (empty at this moment) and the SELF WINDOW (showing a live video of David). Once the line is connected, Miko appears on the Remote Window. Both David and Miko can now interact (see and talk) with each other - over a single phone line.

"Hi, Miko!" David said as he looked at the remote window, "You look great today."
"Thanks David! How's everything?" asked Miko.

Live Video Image

"Can we see the prototype now?" David asked.
"Sure, do you see it on your screen?" said Miko.

At this point, David is able to see the prototype clearly on the Remote Window.

"Miko, can you turn it the other way round... No, towards the left... Okay... Stop... that's it. Yes, this is excellent. The colors look right. I must admit, you did a fine job. Miko, go ahead with the production!"

File Transfer

"By the way, Miko, I need the product design and specifications that you have done. Can you send the file to me now?"
"Sure." Miko says as he clicks the FILE TRANSFER icon and selects the appropriate file to transfer to David.

On the other side of the line, David presses a key to allow the file to be transmitted to his system.

Application Sharing

After the file transfer, David suddenly realizes, "Miko, the file that you've transferred is a PageMaker 5.0 file. I don't have the software in my system."
"David, no problem, just give me a minute," says Miko "Let me activate PageMaker now."

Before David knew it, PageMaker's opening screen appears on his monitor. Now David can see the design specifications. In fact, David can use PageMaker's tools and make changes to the PageMaker file, updates the file and later prints it on his laser printer. David cannot believe the power of ShareVision! He has complete access to a software which is not installed in his system!


The whiteboard is like a typical whiteboard found in many classrooms. Its built-in tools (e.g. pencil, magnifying glass, lines, shapes, color palette and text etc) allow us to write, draw and color objects as we explain, brainstorm and participate in discussions.

David clicks on the 'Whiteboard' icon and starts drawing a logo.
"Miko, remember this logo? We've decided to change the logo's color.
"Is it? What's the color?" asks Miko.
"We've chosen this." David picks red from the color palette.
"This looks brighter." Miko says.
"Let me scan the new logo and send it to you. Wait a second."

Immediately, David activates the scanning software and starts scanning the photograph with his hand-held scanner that supports TWAIN. Once done, the image is compressed and transmitted over to Miko's system.
"David, I've received the logo. Thanks!"
"Miko, I think that's all for today. I'll call you again tomorrow."

Wow! What a neat and efficient meeting!

In What Other Areas Can We Apply Video Conferencing?

Desktop Video Conferencing definitely helps you to save traveling time and money. Organizations such as travel agencies or courier services can make use of this technology to improve their services.

Although Video Conferencing is primarily aimed at business, it can also be used for practically anything. Imagine during a beauty contest, potential entrants do not have to travel all the way to another country for the preliminary selection. Instead, they go to the local organizer's office which has a PC installed with ShareVision PC3000. The judges, in another country, can view the contestants through ShareVision and decide who should be selected.

In a maid agency, potential employers no longer have to select their maids simply by watching their pre-recorded videos. Employers can view them live on the PC, interview them at the same time and make a decision, courtesy of video conferencing. Oh yes, match-making agencies can use ShareVision for their match-making activities too!

Court witnesses, who are unable to appear in Court (e.g. those who are seriously ill), can now make their statements from home and at the same time, watch the whole proceedings as if they were there.

How Will It Affect Our Life?

VIDEO CONFERENCING is here to stay. It will help us to be more effective, efficient and productive. As more corporations take advantage of the technology, we will see more efficient services coming our way!

Creative Zone Multimedia & Communications Copyright ©1995, 1996 Creative Labs, Inc.