Unable To Write CDR Disc In Windows 95
You may encounter the error message "SCSI command completed with error" when closing a session in Windows 95. Or you may encounter the error message "Buffer under-run" when writing a CDR disc in Windows 95 using EasyCDPro.
As Windows 95 provides the AutoStart and AutoPlay features for CDROM, it will query every mounted CDROM drive every 2 seconds. As the mastering process of the CDR disc is very time critical and cannot be interrupted, such query will affect the process of Mastering - thus causing the above-mentioned errors.
Solution :
This problem can be solved by disabling the AutoStart and AutoPlay feature by the following procedures:
a. Click "Start" button on the desktop
b. Select "Settings - control panel"
c. Double-click "System"
d. Select "Device Manager" page
e. Select "CDROM"
f. Double-click on "Creative CDR2000"
g. Select Settings page
h. Uncheck "auto insert notification" option