Product Showcase - Sound Cards Creative

Creative Texto'LE

Using Texto'LE, you can quickly and easily create a text file that can "talk". This "talking" feature is very useful if you need to highlight certain parts of a document that you are sending electronically (either in a diskette or through a network). With Texto'LE, the major difference is the ability to emphasize important parts of any document with actual speech, rather than merely utilizing the conventional highlighting functions available to you in your word-processing software.

Texto'LE is an OLE server and allows you to create and embed these "talking files" into any OLE compliant Windows application, such as Write. You can insert these talking files in your documents, where they will appear as Texto'LE icons. To listen to your "voice message", just double-click on these icons.

Download Texto'LE Preview Here! (0.9M)

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