AWEDIP stands for SB AWE32 Developer Information Pack. It is designed for developers who wish to develop MIDI applications. It includes an easy to use interface to control the EMU8000 wavetable synthesizer.
The AWEDIP is suitable for developers who would like to develop DOS or Windows software that harnesses the power of the EMU8000 wavetable synthesizer on the SB AWE32. There is a wide range of software you could develop with the AWEDIP such as sequencers, MIDI players that support user sample downloading, games, etc.
Generally, the API covers:
The AWEDIP is designed for third party DOS and Windows developers who intend to develop MIDI oriented software. As such, developers are assumed to have a good understanding of MIDI.
The AWEDIP can be used on the SB AWE32 family of cards that use the EMU8000
as the wave-table synthesizer.
This includes:
It supports DOS, Windows 3.1x, and Windows 95.
It supports:
No. Currently, the AWEDIP is the only development tool from Creative. It doesn't support Linux, or any other Unix variant.
The Windows interface is through DLL function calls. Therefore, theoretically any compilers/tools that support DLL calls will work. Some examples about these kinds of compilers/development tools are Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, Asymetrix Toolbook, etc.
The AWEDIP only covers the programming of the wave-table synthesis (EMU8000) portion. For programming information of other portions, such as digitized sound, you can refer to the SBK2.
Yes. The AWEDIP is designed with the objective of allowing you to create your
own code in the form of:
No. The effects engine is not meant to be user programmable. You can select the effect variations but not develop your own effects.
The next release of AWEDIP will support SoundFont 2.0 in addition to the original SoundFont format.
The AWEDIP includes E-Mu Systems' Positional Audio API. Currently only a DOS API is available. A Windows API will be ready in the next release.
The API provides programmers a low-level access to audio spatialization algorithms implemented on the SB AWE32. The library provides programmers the ability to create and move in 3D space basic audio spatialization objects such as sound emitters and receivers. The library attempts to control the apparent location of sound emitters relative to a receiver by modeling a small set of physical and psycho-acoustic phenomena.
The AWEDIP is available to the public for free.
You can download it now (704k).