Down load from : Microsoft DirectX 5.2 Download Instructions for Microsoft® DirectX® 5.2: To install DirectX 5.2, select the link to the appropriate download and when prompted, open and run the file. Most English-language users should download dx5eng.exe (3.49MB). This distribution is for Windows 95. It does not work on Windows NT. Download SP3 service pack for Windows NT 4.0 for DirectX3. The DirectX End User installation process will require approximately 34MB of free space on your hard drive. After installation, the DirectX downloads will take approximately 7.5MB to 8MB of hard drive space. English-language version (Core and English Drivers) dx5eng.exe 3.49MB Japanese-language (DOS/V) version (Core and Japanese Drivers) dx5dosv.exe 3.49MB Japanese-language (NEC PC-98 series) version (Core and Japanese Drivers) dx5nec.exe 2.17MB German-language version (Core and German Drivers) dx5ger.exe 3.5MB Spanish-language version (Core and Spanish Drivers) dx5spa.exe 3.5MB French-language version (Core and French Drivers) dx5frn.exe 3.5MB Italian-language version (Core and Italian Drivers) dx5itn.exe 3.49MB Portuguese-language (Brazil) version (Core and Portuguese Drivers) dx5brz.exe 3.5MB Czech-language version (Core and Czech Drivers) dx5cze.exe 3.49MB Swedish-language version (Core and Swedish Drivers) dx5swe.exe 3.49MB Dutch-language version (Core and Dutch Drivers) dx5dut.exe 3.49MB Korean-language version (Core and Korean Drivers) dx5kor.exe 3.49MB Chinese-language (Simplified) version (Core and Chinese Drivers) dx5chs.exe 3.48MB Chinese-language (Traditional) version (Core and Chinese Drivers) dx5cht.exe 3.48MB Polish-language version (Core and Polish Drivers) dx5pol.exe 3.49MB Russian-language version (Core and Russian Drivers) dx5rus.exe 3.5MB Finnish-language version (Core and Finnish Drivers) dx5fin.exe 3.49MB Danish-language version (Core and Danish Drivers) dx5dan.exe 3.49MB Hungarian-language version (Core and Hungarian Drivers) dx5hun.exe 3.49MB For languages that are not listed above, please use the English version -- dx5eng.exe. If you are an advanced user, have recently upgraded your display and audio drivers and are sure you do not need to upgrade your system drivers, you can download dx5core.exe. If you are notified that your driver needs to be updated, please continue through installation and then download and run dx5eng.exe to get the new drivers needed. Core distribution (NOTE: no display or audio drivers included) - dx5core.exe (1.48MB) Document last modified April 28, 1998 © 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.