s version contains the following: - BIN files Mystique 1.8 Mystique RRunner 1.8 Millennium 3.0 Millennium II PCI 1.5 Millennium II AGP 1.4 Millennium II PCI RRunner 1.4 Millennium II AGP RRunner 1.3 MGA G100 AGP 1.5* MGA G100 PCI 1.1 MGA G100 TVO AGP 1.5* MGA G200 PCI 1.1* MGA G200 AGP 1.6* MGA G200 FP PCI 1.1* MGA G200 FP AGP 1.0 Mystique G200 TVO AGP 1.6* Marvel G200 TVO PCI 1.1* * = new in this release Utilities: - Progbios ver 1.78d - PCISPY ver 1.18s - VBESETUP ver 1.2 - MGAMON ver 1.52d - TSRVESA ver 1.0.010 - Fix a hang problem with some audio cards when setting a VESA mode - Removal of EGA parameter tables - Fix memory detection problem. - G100 Based boards - changed the value of the AGP request depth to avoid potential problems on some systems. - All TVO Bios contain new structure to support Maven 2.0 Changes to Progbios: - Progbios will now detect the TV-out setting and save them when updating to a newer version of the bios. Changes to MGAMON: - Properly detect bios versions containing characters (ie TVO bios)