S.K. Presents- KAYLA KLEEVAGE THEME PACK Various Newsgroup Artwork & Freeware Sources Copyright (c) 2001-Present "This IS Kayla Kleevage! One of the world's most exotic and endowed models! Freedom of speech and expression is alive and well!" --S.K. RATED: Mature Audiences Only! Mild Language And General Sensuality. OBSERVE: Best viewed on a 800x600 pixel screen! ____________________ << LEGAL NOTICES >> The information on this non-profit theme pack (namely any characters, myths, artwork, music, lyrics, sounds, voices, or text) are all various people's original concepts which are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. Hence, under no circumstances will ANY of said materials be used for any type of "profit" reasons. From this end, the unauthorized "profit" use of the previously indicated work by anyone else other than the original creator(s) IS a Federal Crime! <> To continue, the enclosed material is FREELY being distributed. Therefore, ALL creators, designers, manufacturers, distributors, image architects and photographed individual(s) WILL NOT take responsibility for any disgruntle, unsatisfied, or OFFENDED consumers due to software glitches or ANY other concerns, problems, and/or reasons. <> Ah-h! Now, enjoy this COMPLIMENTARY theme pack! ;-)