Voodoo3 3500TV Windows 9x Retail Drivers - AGP version: 1.02.1

Download Updated: 8/10/99
Page Updated: 8/10/99

NOTE: This software is not compatible with any other 3dfx product.

System Requirements:

Download Instructions:

If you have not previously installed the Voodoo3 3500TV software or you you'd rather download and install individual software components separately, choose the following:

(NOTE: If you have not installed any software for the Voodoo3 3500TV, we recommend that you install the software in the following order: 1) Drivers, 2) 3dfx Tools, 3) Visual Reality software):

a) Voodoo3 3500TV drivers for AGP boards running under Windows 9x.

These driver kits include: 2D Display driver, Glide 2.6, Glide 3.1, and DirectX (Direct3D and DirectDraw), and OpenGL ICD.

Windows95 (TM) Users: To download updated drivers, choose:
3500 TV Windows 95 Drivers - Drivers_3500TV_Win95.exe

Windows98 (TM) Users: To download updated drivers, choose:
3500 TV Windows 98 Drivers - Drivers_3500TV_Win98.exe

(NOTE: These drivers require WebTV to be installed to operate properly. INTERNATIONAL USERS: --Please see Note below.)

b) 3dfx Tools(TM) provide control over user defined settings such as Gamma, Image Quality, mip-mapping and triple buffering.

3dfx Tools: To download an updated version, choose:
3dfx Tools -3dfxTools.exe

c) Visual Reality(TM) software provides convenient controls for TV and FM tuning.

Visual Reality (TM) Software: To download an updated version, choose:
Visual Reality Software - 3dfx_VR.exe

INTERNATIONAL USERS NOTE: Please use only the drivers supplied on the original CD shipped with your international Voodoo3 3500TV. Installation of the drivers on this page may cause loss of audio playback when using the Visual Reality application.

For third party software applications such as the DVD playback, video capture and editing programs, please contact technical support and request a replacement CD.